FAZ Dossier

FAZ Dossier


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00:00:00: Besser als die Welt ohne Teddy hier zu der Janda FAZ Podcast für Deutschland you've been the American ambassador Germany 2010 die Tube,

00:00:13: beginn was what is your personal connection to this country Festival thank you for having me it's just a wonderful.

00:00:21: Sötebier my experience Ambassador has been very personal as well as professional.

00:00:31: The first thing that I've ever been president beiden colmenares me fire within the ambassador to Germany is help out my father with my father,

00:00:45: Google history wife.

00:00:48: In Germany in the small town Feuchtwangen Nürnberg nth to escape,

00:00:56: Nazi Germany in nineteen sorry for because of error is coming to preserve the coming back,

00:01:06: The Hills homeland Edinburgh is something he would be incredibly powder and heat of the proud,

00:01:15: die reitet States and Germany for what they become is being strong allies.

00:01:23: So it's been quite amazing für Miete Camberg hier.

00:01:28: Architekturbüro Burberry my father because it's been thought of all this time of my life.

00:01:36: Archigraf in Feuchtwangen and with the friend the thing to the largest in Nürnberg in nineteen thirty four.

00:01:45: Liebes Boarding Wizzair Christian Firma hydride tam.

00:01:51: China Visum child with honey three years old and the very good to him.

00:01:59: Monday is Satan Heil Hitler Nazi March Nürnberg being the center of the Nazi wearing green.

00:02:09: MTZ Damm.

00:02:12: Wenn die Tauben ihr wisst story das Wissen one story told me quite often see the one I speak to much about the drama Office PST cet to the people like you,

00:02:26: Frühling headwear something.

00:02:30: Even more terrible is going to happen in this country and I had arrived at the age of twenty-three.

00:02:40: Mädels weight in the way have had trouble because of his apprenticeship.

00:02:48: Emily may this way you visit United States mit meinem Auto ist American Mary Shirley Werft,

00:02:57: i was born in the USA brother Vermerk in the making of knowing about my German Origins enthaltend.

00:03:08: Day of the Dead Danny new academic life of superhero Leihgeräte couple of this and and and work,

00:03:15: NFC always on coated Habermas into the political German political science is important to have you very much,

00:03:24: the whole idea,

00:03:26: the importance of the importance of democracy batim points the funding human rights.

00:03:34: And having a dialogue across differences because of you are.

00:03:40: What brought the Nazis the power man of the things and what have you.

00:03:47: Tyron 2 gerade mir python' is this.

00:03:51: Birgit the white paper because of the religion of the race just anything.

00:03:59: The different ways people see my wife work in some ways than the rivers of the butcher seizing the foundation of democracy.

00:04:09: We call in a country absorbers NMR of many one.

00:04:16: Finding Unity unfassbarer day in freedom.

00:04:21: With the birthday bringing people together when it's Jimmy the foundation of the market the anatomy the foundation of human rights,

00:04:30: everything we do witches Making Of The Witcher movie brand Franklin more than by appreciating the differences.

00:04:41: Das bin Paul of my wife carship Offshoring Helsa.

00:04:46: Naomi Watts Gürtel Berta Perücken work Hurricane make everybody is life there is only with the promise of diversity within 2.

00:04:59: Bring out the worst in human nature with hatred and 40 before you work in academia and the Thirty Prepaid you in a special way Folge diplomat.

00:05:13: The amazing Song history.

00:05:18: US ambassador to Germany have come from many backgrounds including the bin.

00:05:24: University President the former president.

00:05:29: FC worldwide travel to the US ambassador to Germany anderes Volumen im Base data unified Germany but am not the first academic.

00:05:41: Its Germany has had.

00:05:45: This incredible the birthday of the battery is beginning with the President of United States using various University president zwei Tickets Peperoni well,

00:06:00: Afrika presence one.

00:06:04: Because of my Sky ship and teaching importance of democracy.

00:06:13: Kannst du den beiden traces correctly something I've said.

00:06:18: Also in my teaching scholarship which is the markers EINS defence is the defining challenge every time.

00:06:26: That's one reason Business Dinge University president of the Council of the promise.

00:06:35: RSW when you when you look at Germany today Army new Highlight the importance of your,

00:06:42: Brüssel Legacy with this country of all this Legacy Audio look in this country today what you think is what is good about what is bad about Germany.

00:06:53: So because I have this is a code prospective an Germany,

00:06:59: which began before world what to do to my father's like they see how much

00:07:09: Germany has progressed infect think it's one of the great story of a curse of the last century

00:07:19: Anatomie Germany by the US German relationship is never been stronger than that one thing in the primary.

00:07:28: Future of work trade together

00:07:34: Neiße Personal first hand when eyes see the relationship between Präsident beiden Enchants Visual C 200 Mewtu respect that one of friendship is one

00:07:46: aber Dieb sharing a very is that you at the level of Präsidentin Sharons sew n with every in the level of

00:07:55: just everyday life in Germany is a third welcome here I feel the wall charger,

00:08:05: some really important values within the mercy and the defence of human rights.

00:08:15: Dummy sound very lovely 14 episode Level Wetter am.

00:08:23: Windschutzscheibe the viewing of freedom and welcome in the unity in,

00:08:31: Baron Ernst heißt same to some workout Reform embrace you think there is always Americans kann man bei hamport.net.

00:08:41: To remember the person that knowledge.

00:08:44: Once in the past the way the embassy this year we made in Europe Ken burns,

00:08:53: starke mantarraya leberzammer hawacast which is not only of the great things the United States that in helping to the break with always the great Jörg von Nazis.

00:09:08: What do you identify Block Solarwärme Gratian Peru even possible for you work.

00:09:19: An der Ahr.

00:09:23: Sahasrara Karsten otherwise urx terminated with the more that the Germany the past and every gerne something never think,

00:09:37: ist schön als Couch.

00:09:39: Jasmin about us page for the Germany are you something why

00:09:48: i love the belt with german sub

00:09:52: a fine German culture from American perspective pessimistic so scheiße,

00:10:02: it's a beautiful day today it's sunny economos

00:10:06: bedeckt with near certainty that my German friends with average words grain of Munich TUM

00:10:19: nee nachher Pirates gerade before you während Interview the weather may set,

00:10:23: im Problem ist honey Dew greys anatomy but tomorrow it's good where I am.

00:10:32: Onvista The Voice of Germany culture bereit die Feinde ab.

00:10:38: Its Jerry and for American Mike may has always

00:10:44: bin Brothers the sea within the bright side of the fact that my mother and father with her some really Harbor

00:10:59: denkst du Meister der extreme share the German Army my father with the aftermath,

00:11:09: dear friend of mine Disney disease.

00:11:14: Colt am possible SML Becher Schmand svitolina new documentary

00:11:23: auf amoi transatlantic relationship Coltrane the Warrior Within Problem,

00:11:31: Anna the great example of German-American relations bk-senne ranghöchste directory,

00:11:38: Rider of the Netflix series is American living anprobieren nf i just wanna the primary Kaktus selber tauschen meine reviews in economic history and,

00:11:50: Princeton Institut für wärmster TNT.

00:11:54: I call this possible Song what's possible and the Americans in Germany today in.

00:12:03: Walking the help you Creme.

00:12:07: With this work and splicing with possible through the looking for what we can do,

00:12:15: make it possible for David Tobit govaers because this is the David vs Goliath story,

00:12:23: topic of transatlantic,

00:12:27: today in this days in heated debate you by the French Press and macro about the

00:12:33: Third Way European Sorrenti in bigger independence from from the US

00:12:40: you worry when you hear him speak about this in the strength to the reality of times is one of the transwell Migration Ding stronger than ever Sievert

00:12:53: something the Ruhr continue because we share.

00:13:00: The various of democracy of your defence of human rights of combating antisemitism and racism and other forms of hatred and,

00:13:11: because the only alternative for a paper man ein paper wallpaper.

00:13:20: Da will work.

00:13:22: Boah children and grandchildren STB unify because we share this very sorry sometimes.

00:13:32: Tiffany Kette Anhänger.

00:13:37: Mini CD together but because with a strong alive we are you the side.

00:13:45: SR lies and more of the internal in certain way of the past year we have come.

00:13:52: To do things together that have made an incredible der Friends Naomi.

00:14:01: Jens supporting new crane with the first and foremost essentials of freedom as well as you grains freedom because no never.

00:14:12: Once the police of all countries to be changed by force Bayern Aryan pirate of the central pressing the wind energy prices.

00:14:23: Gutschein William Meier William Meier Germany für during the thing in.

00:14:31: The defence of democratic sovereignty,

00:14:38: Antara freedom 2 helping you can defend itself also working to make it off for the ball for,

00:14:46: unsere Sandwiches something again the Germany and the US are doing so.

00:14:54: The things we here I think,

00:14:58: examples of her life may have different views about the tactics

00:15:05: i don't see this is changing the the primary way we're moving forward Widget together in shared,

00:15:14: Shell Strike 15 vs stronger than ever been before the month.

00:15:24: Is now part of Sweden,

00:15:28: Wurzeln PayPal öffne dawn of the Year go whatever Magento Express VIP schönbier Verlauf dies ist in little bit,

00:15:41: confrontational Tobi tactic ne.

00:15:46: Put take in the view of Greece and we always when people say Dame,

00:15:55: aber Sir Duke Rain ist the funding itself against.

00:16:03: We couldn't do this with the you were the first informer thing that comes to my mind which is upset with,

00:16:13: die was können die USA einreisen.

00:16:18: We have to be always together in order to defend ourselves in that is true für die USS Adelshöfe Germany for Friends für United Kingdom it's very,

00:16:33: jetzt isses Erbsen Sancho.

00:16:37: If we lose sight of the review is very interesting the way that several York is in the project of the es something you wish for,

00:16:48: Serenity of you would say that every country.

00:16:54: Nächste make sound decisions and integrity of all countries borders.

00:17:01: Es ist das schauwerk in every country can relate to that by the way even on democratic countries can relate to that it's so basic.

00:17:12: Society of friends of Germany auf italienisch.

00:17:20: New crime is the square golf course the EU has its own unit which is very important as well.

00:17:30: Das at the corporation Oman,

00:17:35: the markets ESMA the countries that were you there something is critically important which is one reason why.

00:17:48: No matter what are the chances.

00:17:51: The things you neiders for stronger and the servers for better than we talk about this in this world and you compare to the journey the question of the world politics nach how to wait that you crash and the problem there is the is it really Server

00:18:10: we have to future 1 is the notary Aggressors well that the,

00:18:17: Emotion R4s very productive however I do think we have them.

00:18:24: Cover eyes wide open to the fact that time is something with Russia in this war against the grain this war within today FPU,

00:18:35: just decided Hevert Starbuck racing against the grain,

00:18:42: scheinen es da erscheine ist offline with Python principles by the way because it various,

00:18:51: servant IF countries were a child so don't think it's fear of the mercy of thinking.

00:19:05: Realistic the we have to say yes we have thunderstorms social services Präsident beiden health and many are the world we have to say the presidential war.

00:19:21: We get to your Lions with Russia in the sky.

00:19:31: Against the grain and we are putting you on notice that you should not supply,

00:19:40: Russia without arms and sponge 1 l.

00:19:48: World power the United States we don't seek and President beiden hitservice Rapid away

00:19:58: we don't see the Diva Song power of the world on realistic na3ouret Kiss affair.

00:20:09: 2 in ground for trade for.

00:20:13: Investment and THV motorpresse.de auf

00:20:21: Towers in the world that trade with one another and you're with one another peacefully and far away and Chyna Violet sowade vs Rose.

00:20:33: Day of the Crossfire lyrics of human rights.

00:20:40: Arms all the things that make Genesis time travel to other way of life in the case of the miltary attack of the jungle,

00:20:51: antoran Orthopädie what would you expect from the European Allies in this case.

00:21:00: Chorfestival we don't want to be a nation of China.

00:21:10: Breaking the peace with regard to the one we accept the one China policy and we support the stars Chor,

00:21:17: iWear Taiwan can with PS4 EA Sports 1

00:21:25: ein Soldat Vogel working on battery Empire and allies which is the wake the.

00:21:31: Da Situation West anything we have a good chance the viewing the especially if we stay over the great whales the,

00:21:45: we achieved peace to the world is tricotronic strangers now with the thought of the better part 6 with zero.

00:21:55: Hi

00:21:58: Relationships is being absolutely days Aktuar enables us to keep a Grassau,

00:22:07: conserverie Herve Congress Bundestag exchange program between us free young people,

00:22:16: there is created the difference between the way the US and Germany used to approach each other.

00:22:25: Which one are US kamen values and the way that you know and the sky in South Kyoto exchangers.

00:22:36: Across countries are so survival and would you say also looking in the future that,

00:22:45: i know the role of Germany could also be to be integrated Russia as the

00:22:52: schicke Graziano mm into you now normalisation am in Germany experience this incredible and gratitude in the past and now we have the cross the mall with what will happen after the war with Russia ist der Ausflug außer konterbier link to be integrated Russians.

00:23:11: Wa

00:23:13: incredible and cultural exchanges aqua-sol of countries are the first order of this this is to defeat and the Gresham Ente starten,

00:23:28: 1. Art der will begin after the help you crane.

00:23:35: In Afrikaans the terror song the so much into change between Russian.

00:23:46: Members of Russian Society in the US and Germany and Germany of Graces August geographic the rising.

00:23:56: Once you Craig in which object Array in the terrible war of aggression bei Puppen the amazing everything is possible until it reaches.

00:24:11: Situation where is a friend is guaranteed its territory is the story nothing is possible with a guide to Wasabi cars.

00:24:27: What means doing with all people.

00:24:30: In der Trance day and what they are doing to you crying constitutes Website crimes against humanity.

00:24:41: Maybe the last question when you look in the future

00:24:46: and I talked about the German American dies in the German relationship website is more danger to too dangerous this this relationship

00:24:55: beim in you have elections kann ich hab ihn nicht in your country beim Ausfüllen Germany there are more and more & left in the radical right and the American Apparel central Russian road the way you see the challenges

00:25:09: Bingen pessimistic Germans in this in this relationship

00:25:12: Turbine possible with that that fine Carmen Grande Rebirth wanna see.

00:25:20: What's possible for all people together.

00:25:24: I think what's possible is within a one building a winner is,

00:25:34: hear my country are very very strong by persons support for,

00:25:42: RR light support of you crime against töten.

00:25:50: This is saying in a very very Berry Werner crisis is the terrible opportunity to waste and when are wasting,

00:25:58: the Germany with relationship is stronger than ever.

00:26:02: The Transonic allyance Senators stronger than everything in Germany.

00:26:12: Standing strong against the extremes The Police violence the solution is very strong that isn't German.

00:26:26: Unity Aircross Paris in.

00:26:29: Across the spectrum of the grand coalition and the City SCS you against the princess.

00:26:39: Juniors the same is true so am I am,

00:26:43: AWO lästig we are the message that is going to last night without a working together to the welcoming the.

00:26:53: Germans have given to me and all Mission here which is the strength in the transatlantic Alliance.

00:27:02: This been very important and we had so many congressional Navigations Republic ins in Democrats or we could come to Germany

00:27:11: the record numbers of the past year and they are strongly support of the Germany with the transatlantic relationship and that's going to was because it's been so productive.

00:27:25: Ambassador beckwermert realtime free your reflections and out of you work thank you very much for having the official.

00:27:32: Music.

Über diesen Podcast

In den F.A.Z.-Dossiers stellen wir Ihnen ausgewählte Tracks aus der Reihe der F.A.Z.-Hörbücher vor. Auf der Basis von besonderen Beiträgen aus der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung und der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung produzieren wir in erstklassiger Studioqualität unterhaltsame und informative Audio-Features, die ein Thema aus Insider- und Experten-Perspektive behandeln. Die Autoren der Beiträge sind Wissenschaftler und Fachjournalisten, die ihr Wissen mit aufgeschlossenen Lesern und Hörern teilen.
Die den Dossiers zugrunde liegenden Hörbücher enthalten jeweils zwischen acht und zwölf Audio-Features, die bis zu 30 Minuten Spieldauer haben.

Die erste Serie dieser F.A.Z.-Dossiers stellt verschiedene Aspekte der Hirnforschung vor. Nach einer Einführung durch den Leiter der F.A.Z.-Wissenschaftsredaktion, Joachim Müller-Jung widmen sich die ersten drei Beiträge dem Ursprung der Musik und ihrer Wirkung auf das menschliche Gehirn.

Danach geht es mit dem Thema „Mensch und Spiel“ weiter. Zwei Folgen behandeln die Frage, aus welchem Grund und auf welche Art Menschen spielen.
Das dritte Thema ist „Sprache und Kommunikation“: Wie entsteht Sprache und wie sind ihre Konventionen im Gehirn verankert?
Die nächsten Beiträge schicken den Hörer auf die Fährte der Kreativität und beleuchten den Zusammenhang von Denken und Schöpfung.
Wie und wieviel kann der Mensch lernen lautet die Frage, die die Autoren des vorletzten Blocks umtreibt, bevor abschließend ketzerisch nach dem Sinn des Gehirns im digitalen Zeitalter gefragt wird.

Sprecher: Thomas Stecher, Markus Kästle, Olaf Pessler, Christian Geisler.
Studioregie, Mischung und Musik: Timm Haberland.
Redaktion und Textregie: Birgitta Fella, Sofia Egerton, Hans Peter Trötscher.
Produktionsleitung: Hans Peter Trötscher.
F.A.Z.-Dossiers sind eine Koproduktion der Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH und der just GmbH.

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